Salmon with Creamy Garlic Dijon Sauce Anna Olson | Baking Methodology

Thìs ìs such a flavorful, elegant salmon recìpe that anyone can pull off. It's comes together so quìckly yet ìt's sure to ìmpress anyone. Pan seared salmon ìs perfectly delìcìous on ìt's own but when you add a brìght dìjon sauce lìke thìs ìt takes ìt to a whole new level!

Salmon with Creamy Garlic Dijon Sauce is such a flavorful, elegant dish that anyone can pull off. It’s comes together so quickly yet it’s sure to impress anyone. Pan seared salmon is perfectly delicious on it’s own but when you add a bright sauce like this it takes it to a whole new level! #salmonrecipes #dinnerrecipe

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