Creamy Coconut Polenta from The Colorful Kitchen Cookbook + GIVEAWAY

[Giveaway now closed] With my cookbook being released tomorrow, I had to think long and hard about which recipe from The Colorful Kitchen I wanted to share with you today. My first instinct was to share one of the fun desserts or colorful party snacks (and there are quite a few!), but in the end I decided that the heart of my cookbook is truly about easy-to-make, healthful and

[Giveaway now closed] With my cookbook being released tomorrow, I had to think long and hard about which recipe from The Colorful Kitchen I wanted to share with you today. My first instinct was to share one of the fun desserts or colorful party snacks (and there are quite a few!), but in the end I decided that the heart of my cookbook is truly about easy-to-make, healthful and

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